Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Good report

This is a little late but I think Matt has cleared up the problem on the blog.  On June 23rd Curt, Tishanna and I went to Salt Lake for a Dr. appointment with Dr Zangari.  Six months ago Curt's cancer number was 7.5.   Three months ago it had gone down to 5.2 and at his last visit it was .8.  Very good news as it is below one point!   Curt will stay on Chemo for another round of three months and then go back to Huntsman to see if the cancer is in remission.   We are sure hoping for that.  Curt doesn't have to take Thalidomide any more and that is what caused his feet to swell.  He seems to have more energy and is enjoying being outside more.  He has been building on to his ceramic studio where he will set up his paints. 
He has really been taking care of me the last 4 weeks as I had my shoulder operated on and really can't do anything.  Its funny because he has to put my recliner down for me and up.  I am really doing better and can do a lot of things myself now.  (he's glad)  I will start physical therapy on Thursday and I've heard that P T actually stands for Pain and Torture.  Wow I can hardly wait!
I'll wait to see if this really posts before I send more.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Fun messages

Hi folks,

I changed a couple settings to avoid future "fun" messages coming in. Unless my mom starts a legitimate pharmacy out of Russia, we should have these eliminated. Cheers!