Friday, June 26, 2009


Well, we went to Salt Lake, checked out the trailer then went to Huntsman for Curt's appointments. He started out with blood work, then on to the PET scan, which takes about 3 hours. Then back to the BMT clinic (bone marrow transplant) for a bone biopsy. Ouch! After that he went to have an MRI. The hospital then told us that we would be seeing Dr. Zangari next Tuesday then start treatment on Friday. Four days with nothing to do then see Dr. Z then another 4 days till treatment starts? We were really Bummed out and decided to just come home. So this morning we packed up what we would need and came home. The really sad part of this is that Daniel came all the way to Salt Lake so he could be with his Dad during the rough part of the treatment which we thought would start today. Made me feel real bad that they screwed up our schedule so bad. I asked the hospital if we could just have a phone conference call with the Dr. on Tuesday. Then go back up on Thursday to start treatment. They thought that would work. Guess we will find out Monday. I know we will not go to Salt Lake just to see the Dr. for 15 minutes. Daniel is still in Salt Lake and doesn't know what he wants to do and we passed Tishanna as she went to Salt Lake for a wedding. We didn't need to get a baby sitter for Clyde. That's the good part.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that this weekend was such a bummer for you. If we had known you were here Matt would have come over to say hello. Worried when I didn't hear from Tishanna, but knew that she had it under control. Love ya, Lisa
