Friday, June 5, 2009

Cactus Rose

Yesterday June 4the Curt was feeling pretty good so we went for a ride to find some good rocks.  Larry Lanier and Curt went to this place on the 3rd and found some pretty incredible rocks.  When we went we took the four wheeler so we wouldn't have to walk so far.  We found some good rocks but nothing really spectacular. Maybe next time.  On the way home we saw lots of cactus flowers so I thought I'd share with you.  On the sad side........Curt was taking a shower last night and most of his hair was falling out.  I think that most cancer patients deal very well with the physical pain.  They know what to expect.  Not fun.  But predictable.  On the other hand the emotional pain that they endure is very real and very hard when they lose their hair.  I have talked to some cancer patients at Huntsman and they all said that losing their hair was the hardest thing they had to see.  This morning Curt let me shave the rest off.  His head is very white so I think I will get some tan in a bottle to make his head not shine so much.  He did let me message his head and told me that I would have good luck.  He still has a sense of humor!  I may get to polish it tomorrow. He is trying to keep his spirits up.  he has been working on a painting of the Parowan Gap.  It is looking great.  He certainly hasn't lost his talent. We will be working on making some churches soon too.  The orders keep coming in. I'll send a picture of the Parowan pioneer church so you will see what he is making.

1 comment:

  1. Curt, You are one of my inspirations in life. I know if I ever told you this in person you will have some "witty" comment and it would loose the luster. So this is a great way for you to have to suffer my compliment in have go to love technology.
    I would still love to go paint with you. 15 years of talking big. I know one day it might really happen.
    Take care,
