Friday, August 7, 2009

August 2, 2009

Well, all day Sunday Curt wasn't feeling up to par.  He was very tired and his feet were swelling up.  I had read enough about the treatment to know that retaining water was not good for your heart and other organs.  I thought about calling Huntsman and just letting them know what was going on but Curt didn't want me to.  I did call Monday though and they wanted him to be seen by his primary Physician asap.  He had an appointment with Wade Oakden on Wednesday so he wanted to wait till then.  The clinic called Wednesday morning and said that there had been a bad accident and Dr Oakden would not be coming to Parowan.  We did go to the clinic anyway and saw Becky P.A.  She gave Curt a prescription for Lasix that would help get the water off.  Huntsman called that night to see how everything was going.  I talked to Elaine in the BMT clinic. On Thursday Natasha from HCH called. They had talked to Dr.Zangari  and because of the leg and feet swelling the Dr. wanted Curt to have a Doppler test done on his lower extremities to see if he had any blood clots in his legs.  Curt was not happy about going to Cedar and Coleen at the Parowan Clinic said that she would help me if I needed her to get him in the car.  He went without a  fight. The test went fine and he doesn't have any blood clots.  He is still taking the water pills and seems to  be doing better. I think he is just so tired of feeling like a lab rat.  He is really not looking forward to going back to Salt Lake.
 He is still working on his Kiln.  When its done he will be able to fire a bigger load than in his smaller kiln.
 We are going to go find wild horses tomorrow.  Should be a nice day.
 Today is our 41st annivesary.  Yeah!  Thanks for all the well wishes from friends and family.
 I took Clyde to the Vet today and he was able to get all his stiches out.  He will still need to wear the cone until he heals completly.  He seems to be doing very well.  He just can't get into the truck with out help.  YET.  He will figure it out.

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