Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fire Fire Every where!

Some of the pictures are of the sun through the smoke of the mill flat fire on Pine Valley mountain.  The smoke has been very thick here and it has played havoc with our allergies. I guess  that I am finally accepting the fact that I have to go back to work.  Driving the bus has always been good for me and kindergarten started on Tuesday.  I am sending some sunrise pictures that I took while driving my bus in the valley.  I thought they turned out pretty good.  Curt is still working on the kiln and it is looking better all the time.  W#e got the first schedule from Huntsman.  Hate to think about going back but is will be good to  get this part over with.   He has his first appointment on the 29th of Sept. They will start his treatment on that Friday.  I don't know when they will actually do the stem cell transplant but I will need to know exactly when, so I can be somewhere else! We will just have to go that road when we get there.  Enjoy the smoky sunrise.


  1. Your picture was great! We've had some amazing sunsets because of the fires. Coleen

  2. I've been thinking a lot about both of you and was glad to see that Curt has a project. It is looking good. You took some good photos. I like them. Hugs all round,
